Cell Line

The HeLa cell line was established from an adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 1952. It is the first continuous human cell line.


HeLa cells are grown in sonoperfused fedbatch (cytostat) mode at a constant concentration of 5×106 cells/ml (cell viability: 93%-99%) under GLP conditions in our facility in Mons, Belgium. Cells are harvested in exponential phase.

All our Hela products

Cell Pellets

The BV173 cell line was established from a B cell precursor leukemia.


This is a pseudodiploid, male African green monkey cell line. The modal chromosome number was 60, occurring in 48% of cells, and the rate of polyploidy was at 4.4%.

Nuclear Extracts

The HeLa cell line was established from an adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 1952. It is the first continuous human cell line.

Nuclear Extracts

(not dialysed)

The HL-60 cell line was derived from a promyeloblast. The line was established from cells taken from a 36 years old female patient suffering of an acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Cytoplasmic Extract

Derived from the peripheral blood of a patient with Sezary syndrome. The line has the properties of a mature human T cell with helper/inducer activity. It releases IL-2 and has receptors for IL-2. The growth rate is stimulated by IL-2. TNF alpha is an autocrine growth factor for HUT-78.

S-100 Cytoplasmic Extract

The Jurkat cell line was established from the peripheral blood of a 14 year old boy by Schneider et al. , and was originally designated JM.


This is a pseudodiploid, male African green monkey cell line. The modal chromosome number was 60, occurring in 48% of cells, and the rate of polyploidy was at 4.4% .