Cytoplasmic Extracts is a rich source of complexes (40S, 60S ribosomal subunits and 80S ribosomes etc…), Factors involved in translation (eIFs’, IRES- and PolyA binding proteins), Factors which play a role on different parts of the mRNA molecule (5′- and 3′ UTRs’).

All our products of cytoplasm

Hela Cytoplasmic Extract

It can be used to study the regulation of muRNA processing, mRNA polymorphism... Preliminary data suggest that HCE compares favorably with the rabbit reticulocyte lysate for cell-free protein expression. HCE production automation makes it possible to offer this subcellular fraction of high and reproducible quality at very competitive prices.

CV - 1

This is a pseudodiploid, male African green monkey cell line. The modal chromosome number was 60, occurring in 48% of cells, and the rate of polyploidy was at 4.4%



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Cell line

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